Wednesday, 25 November 2009

..first love..

..they say you'll never forget your first love..but then, do you really know which one is the first? ..maybe it is just puppies..for the heart is not like that flower that blooms once only to wither and is able to enjoy a myriad of blooms..with different shades and hues..each one is a first..for the heart is the garden..and love is the flower...

..and if there is a first follows that there is a second, third or what happened if your marry your first...and later you had your second love..?..and the second turns out to be better than the first? it invariably will..we cannot simply jump ship..even if we were to drop anchor at the same port..there's excise and baggage to think about..

..then it is better to marry your second love..and let that sweet, poignant, syrupy first love adrift..untethered...into the misty sea of your memory...and hoped that there will never be a third..but who are we to foretell the uncharted seas of the future?..your third could be waiting behind a raft...and you are way past...

...he could see the henna stain on her hands..he tried to steal a glance at her feet..but she saw the glance and tried to hide them under the chair. But her movement revealed the stains and he smiled as her mother welcomed him..

..she was trying to say thank you but the words would not come..instead she shed a tear, silently, allowing the solitary tear to furrow her cheek..earlier she had pleaded for his presence..'See me as a bride as I see you as a friend.' ...he agreed, surprised at her eloquence...


Unknown said...
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YuinTing said...

Hi Pakmat, I agree with you, we cannot simply jump ship.
Who knows there may even be the forth one waiting in a speed boat and ready to speed off towards the island of paradise. The problem is, it may lose control and capsize. By then, it will be too far to swim back to the ship... and both lovers may drown in the ocean of love!
Well, FYI, I have 3 hostages in my ship to avoid the captain from escaping... hee...

Unknown said...

errr.... siapa first love aku sebenarnya, aku pun tak pasti... pasal semuanya aku anggap first love... hehehe

Lee said...

Hi Pakmat, ha ha, love this posting. And who being loved is poor?
I have had this experience once, but it was the age factor that made me drive on....she was twice my age.
I only knew of her love for me when her letter without an address, only my name found me here in Canada....30 years later.
She had passed was her last letter to me.
I have tested the market so to speak and will stick to my Gold medal, ha ha, Lee.

Lee said...

Hello Pakmat, just dropped by to wish you and all at home, SELAMAT HARI RAYA ADILADHA.
Best wishes, Lee.

Anonymous said...

Salam Pak Mat

Love this posting
Beutiful and engaging


Unknown said...

YTC.., we cannot simply jump ship..and take care of your 3 lovely hostages..and that 6 As hero? he deserved the rm350..:)

..dan itu lah first love yang sebenar-benarnya..tapi kena sebut first loves..

uncle lee..
agreed..whoever is in love is never poor..and age is never a a youth, pakmat loved being in take care, lee..and selamat hari raya to you, too.

salam aini..
..thanks, just being beautiful is okay by me, but to be beautiful and engaging? take care, and jaga diri baikbaik..

isn't it about time that you take up blogging, too? come on, set up yr own little hut..put words into yr thoughts..paint that hut whatever shade you like..enthrall yr visitors with yr interior decor..hang out that tapestry of yr mind fr all to see..

Anonymous said...

Salam Pak Mat

Im a private person by nature, however your blog touch on themes such as family,love,god,travel,food
...topics that resonates within my heart, that I can't help penning some of my thoughts here
Well to blog... no don't think so

Unknown said...

..then it is our lost, aini..for from what little that I can see you r capable of waxing lyrics better than most..and must have led a life that's full..all the more reason to blog..for life is about, drop that hijab of yr heart..:) seeing you, lady..take care..

Unknown said...


Me said...

love this site... first love first come to my life... i wish if i could turn the time.... but, i can`t.. what can i do? just looking forward and believe there someone better out there...

Unknown said...
..let that first love of yours adrift..but it will always be there..playing hide and seek in some corner of your mind..just accept it for what it is..something from the past..a whole world is waiting for you out there, young lady..its gonna be a heck of a roller-coaster just relax..
..and take care..