Friday, 20 August 2010

..Friday's news.. these days are more gory than tv or the is easy to gets depressed when reading them..instead of enlightenment, for news should be enlightening, we get into bouts of depression... we are told of father hacking wife to the death, daughter slashed off her two fingers..daughters, nieces, granddaughters being raped by their closest kins..not once, but over the years..and it is normal to read now about infants thrown everywhere like disposable napkins..children splashed with acid..children battered and hammered..

..maybe we should also ban newspapers for having too much violent content..or have it PG-rated..

..I think we failed..maybe we are paying for the glory of development and modernisation with a society that has lost its moral our hurry to be top-gun, we forgot human development..we readily embraced new technology with not a thought towards social technology..we have our submarine, and our values as a society took a dive..we have become a hedonistic society..seeking all that is pleasurable..there is dollar in our eyes, and cold in our hearts..

..this old coot pined for the good old days..when there is warmth in a friendship and a general bonding among fellow humans..when creed, colour or race does not really matter..and children respect their elders...


Dottie With Dots said...

I stopped reading headlines for years now. Same old thang different day...

Ramadhan Kareem Pakmat, a blessed one.

June Malik said...

i agree, things are much simpler and better and safer when i was small and growing up

Snakebite said...

can't agree more pakmat. missed those good old days when children are just children and they are very good at being children.

dunia dah nak kiamat agaknya

mekyam said...

betul tu, pakmat! no news is good news... whichever way we "see" it.

ismi said...

Setuju. mmg the good old days are surely much2 better. modernisation mmg datang utk meruntuhkan akhlak. teknologi2 menarik manusia terperangkap dgn gadjets dan hilang jalinan kemanusian.

pertama kali ke sini, salam kenal Pakmat. suka nak duk kelantan dgn ada dinar dirham. belum diizinkan. mohon doakan.

Zendra-Maria said...

i daresay what we read is just the tip of the iceberg... scary

Unknown said...

..salam has been some time..:) but thank you for the Ramadan wish..may you be blessed with a blissful Ramadan, too..cheers..

salam JM..cannot blame an old coot for looking back to the past..:)

salam Dato Snake..maybe because we are better parents..:)

salam MekYam..maybe coz I'm seeing all the bad things in the news..must try and be more positive..

salam ismi..salam kenal dan salam Ramadan..insyaAllah..pada suatu masa..sekiranya ditakdirkan..maklumkan situa ini sesampai kenegeri dirham..sendiri pun belum tengok lagi..

salam zen..if it scares you, imagine the likes of me..:)