Friday, 25 December 2009

Zaiton Abdul Hamid

..Zaiton, in her hey-days.. a kid I was in loved with a youth, she was the woman of my in my old age, I believed that I am still a little bit infatuated with her...

..present day..pic taken from her cousin's webpage..

.and she doesn't even have traffic stopper looks..or the body in the class of Marilyn Monroe..but on the silver screen, no matter what roles she played, she always managed to exude wholesomeness..something genuine... an aura of innocence with a captivating smile that is somehow appealing and sexy..a sexiness not of the wanton kind..but a demure sexiness..

..there is something kampongish in her, akin to a flower, melur, that village belles decorate their hair buns with..she teased with a pout and the male audience sighed..

..the first time I saw her was in the movie 'Hang Tuah' as Tun Teja..but it was in other subsequent roles... from Anakku Sazali to Seniman Bujang Lapok..that she shone..known simply as Zaiton, pakmat will always be a fan..

..when movies were in black and white...and heroes were named Hassan and heroines Ani..


nurmisnan said...

salam pak mat,
nur pun peminat zaiton juga. masih ingat lagi dialog dlm movie bujang lapok "alah abang sudin ni"... hehehe... she is so wonderful woman

Lili said...

...nicely put, pakmat...

Who wouldn't love this sweet darling of malay movies?
My personal favourite dialog of hers is the one from Bujang Lapok...
"amboi mak, sejak berkawan dengan Mrs Lim... 'skipping' lon-don berabuk!"


Lili said...

eh eh... silap kot Pakmat... MRS WONG not mrs Lim!!! hehehe!

rizal hashim said...

pakmat i remember the scene involving p ramlee and zaiton that was uploaded into youtube that you sent me...zaiton was the primadonna of her era. those were the days when our movie stars were known only by their first name or nickname/stage name...

ummi said...

Thank you Pakmat, for visiting my blog. I think your blog is really quite amazing. You are very eloquent indeed. Will make sure to stop often

Unknown said...

nur..she is a wonderful woman..alluring and beguiling..:)

lili..we all remember some of her dialogue..such is her stature as an actress..

lc..pakmat remembers most of the scenes..:)

ummi..thanks..yours just as intriguing..

Unknown said...

wanita melayu terakhir la kot... senyuman dia tetap menawan

adengan nyanyi lagu tanya sama hati ni memang besh

Unknown said...

..hai sifu, rupa-rupanya demo minat jugak..:)..