..pic taken from Ahmad Cendana's blog..
..in the blogging world, nothing less then the head honcho of NST herself mentioned it..but only in passing..I read the comments..but thought it wise that I did not comment, being in deep water, as it were..and my knowledge of swimming confined to some rudimentary breast-strokes..then Kata Kama dealt with it in her blog...and this old coot went a-visiting, but followed Ahmad Cendana's advice to not get into brick-throwing range..and stealthily crept out..
..feeling safe amongst my own kind, (meaning amongst men and a countryman) I commented in Ahmad Cendana's blog..but events have since overtaken TGNA's recommendation..the delectable actress ('What I have done is the best way') has since married the well-known parliamentarian..and a 20-year-old Ummu Khair Fatimah MRamli extols the virtue of being the 3rd wife.."Such marriages promotes closeness in a family.."
but since there is always two sides to a coin..I cannot helped but noticed that the exhortations are from the younger side of the coin..the seconds and the thirds..TGNA should also listened to the older side of the coin..ulamaks or not...or maybe he should also recommends that men marry ustazahs..since they, too, are conversant with the hadiths and have a better grasp of the Quran..
..but one thing, pakmat is certain..its gonna take more then the sanctions from TGNA and the ability to quote hadiths and verses from the Quran for the ulamak to avoid the p&p short-range missiles (pots & pans) from landing on their foreheads and other parts of the anatomy..
..selamat menyambut tahun baru Hijrah...
PakMat, pots and pans do fly even in monogamous marriages! Sometimes I really wonder out of amazement how a man can make a polygamous marriage a success. i remember reading an article in a newspaper years back that a gentleman stays with his three wives in the same house. he is certainly blessed. At the end of the day, i guess his intentions were genuine and sincere.
Hmmm... marry ustazah, eh? Option worth looking into... if I do get bitten by the bug like Sdra Bung.
lc, its a rare kind of man..and rarer still the woman..that can handled polygamy..all the best to Bung..
oldstock, it depend on the bug..just pray they do not make you as targets for bites..but for some delectable bugs even pakmat doesn't mind the bite...
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