..sometimes, like last Friday, pakmat leaves Pantai Irama behind and retreats to the hills..to Ulu La, Trengganu, where there nestles a quaint, two-tiered pools of steaming hot water catched from little hot springs that gushed through rocks... from a source hidden deep in the bowels of the earth...
..it is cradled amongst some hillocks and forest, where there also runs a small brook, Sungai Air Hangat, with bracing cool water running so clear you can see little fishes darting, just above the sand and pebbles..
...from rivulets such as these, years ago I slaked my thirst when trekking through jungle trails heading towards some aboriginal camps deep in Gua Musang virginal forest..she who was to be my third wife dared me to drink from water scooped with a bamboo cup fashioned by a Tok Batin..her laughing eyes egging me with taunts..but that was another time..another era..
..it is, indeed, a charming retreat..and easily accessible...from Jerteh, you take the road T5 to Kg. La, 30 kilometers away...which is along the road to Ulu Keruak..past Bukit Payong and Felda Tenang...but the road is JKR Grade A, and the ride is pleasant..it is only 80 kilometers from home in Bachok...
..from Jertih the scenery quickly changed from urban to fields of padi... and later, after Bukit Payong, shaded rubber trees and orchards.. which suddenly gave way to rows of matured palm trees, Felda Tenang...from Kg. La, a side road newly completed, will take you to the hot spring..the vista that greets you is of the Gunong Tebu Range, of which Ulu La Hot Springs is part of...

...from rivulets such as these, years ago I slaked my thirst when trekking through jungle trails heading towards some aboriginal camps deep in Gua Musang virginal forest..she who was to be my third wife dared me to drink from water scooped with a bamboo cup fashioned by a Tok Batin..her laughing eyes egging me with taunts..but that was another time..another era..
..it is, indeed, a charming retreat..and easily accessible...from Jerteh, you take the road T5 to Kg. La, 30 kilometers away...which is along the road to Ulu Keruak..past Bukit Payong and Felda Tenang...but the road is JKR Grade A, and the ride is pleasant..it is only 80 kilometers from home in Bachok...
..from Jertih the scenery quickly changed from urban to fields of padi... and later, after Bukit Payong, shaded rubber trees and orchards.. which suddenly gave way to rows of matured palm trees, Felda Tenang...from Kg. La, a side road newly completed, will take you to the hot spring..the vista that greets you is of the Gunong Tebu Range, of which Ulu La Hot Springs is part of...

..top pic is the main pool..it is steaming hot and small enough to be cosy..first you submerge your feet and keep still..after a while upon perspiring profusely, you may make an attempt to sink lower in..like pakmat did...and felt invigorated and zesty after that..the pool is about 10 meters high from the river below..but just below it is the 2nd pool..which is deeper...and less hot..see second pic..of Auji and Cousins...
..from there the spring cascaded down onto the shallow, knee deep river..where children and adults alike frolic...but no matter what they do, the water remain clear..for the river is sandy, with coarse sand and pebbles, free of sediments and mud...

..the feast, prepared by the wives..budu with ulam pucuk daun gajus..a rare treat for pakmat..who most times abstain from budu for its high salt content..trying and succeeding at maintaining my BP at 78/128..Friday prayers was at Kg.La double-storey mosque..it drizzled a little the day we were there, but it did little to dampen our spirits..for it is little pleasures like these that make us appreciative..of little mercies...
Pakmat, you make me yearn for home and this piece brings me back to those reckless days of childhood, bathing in the river and sitting under waterfalls. Our daughter is right now in Trengganu - i will let her know about this corner of paradise. I hope someone will take her andher friends there.
can be put on the list. only been to Tembakah once, never to La.
Hmmm...is the place pet friendly? purrr...meow!
Adeh pakmat bestnye kalau dapat berendam..there are days when these here joints become quite stiff. And the part about the budu & ulam has made my mouth water.. ahhh, budu with lots of chilli api patah, limau nipis & seulas durian thrown in!!! the hubs selalu gelakkan kami, we take the budu by the spoonful whilst kelantanese usually just dip the ulam into the budu bowl ;p
Sounds like heaven on earth, Pakmat :)
I was there, one time..love the scenery and the warm water,..
but sadly, I will forever associated the place with an accident, that I run over a chicken while driving there....;)
Ahhh Pakmat, that’s how one should live, carefree & indulge in the simple pleasures that nature had to offer. But a word of caution tho; don’t over-immersed yourself toooo long in the hot spring, nanti kena masuk angin & thus will affect your performance mah……hahaha. And oso horr, don’t drink the water there lah as fishes peeed in it, hmmm the things men would do when egg-on by women, sooo pathetic. Anyway so long as u are happy lah;
Feel So Good
P/S - budu with ulam pucuk daun gajus; make that ‘golden deer’ friend of mine go crazeee & amorous…hehehe….Love Potion # 9!
alamak, pak mat, ni yang buat nak gi ganu !! tiff, jom??
Salam Kah Teh..you were reckless, too, whilst young?..I thought only Tommy was..:) La Hotspring is 140 kilometers from Kuala Trengganu..Chalets are available for overnight stays..
Salam Yus03..Tembakah is just 15 kilos away from La..you should..putd it on your list..
My dear Cat..of course it is..complete with a little bridge that cats may cross over..
Salam Justi and June Malik..you should..it is a beautiful place..hewn out of rocks and verdant trees..you can trek the river..or you can trek the jungle..and there is a hidden pool at the back of the hotsprings shaded by trees..where the water is unbelievably cool and clear..bring that budu and ulam along..all those activities will worked up an appetite..
Salam Zen..it is..you feel closed to nature there..
..Salam Naba..every one runs over a chicken or two during their life time..chickens being so unpredictable..:) no reason for notd going there again..:)for there are chickens everywhere..:) cheers..
..hi, Tommy..as I said, that was another time..and another era..:) Pakmat was foolish then..(hope not too foolish now)but u know what they say about fools rushing in where angels fear to tread..and budu does have some aphrodisiac properties..hmm..maybe thats why Kelantanese males r always randy..
Heavenly described pakmat.
I am sure that there are numerous places such as this in Malaysia and will not be surprised when tourist to Malaysia say we have a beautiful country with beautiful people.
salam Pak Mat
bestkan dapat bercuti bersama2.. so wonderful
hv a gd day Pak Mat
..but we do have a beautiful country, pak kordi..maybe just underrated..:)
hi, nur..when u r with family, any day is a good day..anyplace is a goodplace..hv a nice day yourself..:)
When I was in the travel business circa 1995 I used to bring tourists to Lata Tembakah and La Hotspring. They were blissfully amazed by the two places even after doing Perhentian Island. These are gems of Trengganu that should be looked after carefully for the future generations to enjoy.
..they r indeed, gems, pak zawi..but hidden and under-rated..truth is I rather keep it that way..being one of my fav spots..all my children love it..but I think the authorities could do more in terms of facilities..a guide map of the area will be most welcomed for newcomers..or an information centre..and I think the attempt to upgrade the place made several years ago was a failure in that no follow through was made..but the idea was good..
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