..i chided the lady officer for writing the letter in English...the address is Bachok, for heaven's sake..simple village people..surely you can send them in Bahasa..so that they do not have to take it to school and have the English teacher translate it.."sorry..it is standard ISO letter that we have to use". what's the point of ISO if the target group..your pelanggan..cannot read it?..she evaded my pointed question and just asked me to bring the car along...
..and all this hype and brooha about teaching some subjects in school in Bahasa..We are too English biased in everything except speech...when it comes to letters of substance..agreements..documents..contracts..tenders...they are all in the Queen's language..so,who's promoting the Malay Language?..
hello...just read your blog..interesting reading
you have one good point there, pakmat.. tho now a bit late to mention!
..salam, rr..and I think we've reached a point where we'r late for most things..
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