Saturday 31 December 2011

..the new year, same old..

.there is always this thing about new adds a year to your looked at children of yesterdays, and see how adult they have become, leading their own life with their mate and children..and yet, not too long ago they were on your knees, making baby noises...and pakmat will be 67 in 3 months time...if this is progress, than it time for dreams...just a leisurely savouring of regrets...things you should have and should not have done..the roads you should have taken...words that lingered on tongue but not uttered...and words said that should not have been said...everything becomes like a furry ball, rolling along the sand..

...neil diamond echoes in my mind...every girl will be a with every boy...

.,.happy new year.......


Al-Manar said...

Can I wish you happy new year and stay young always? Diiringi salaam mesra daripada yang lebih tua.

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum Pak Mat
Selamat kembali dengan Haji Mabrur
Membaca coretan Pak Mat ketika menunaikan haji amat mencuit jiwa. Tak kurang... Malah mungkin lebih baik dari catatan travelogue Prof Kamil
Saya sarankan catatan Pak Mat dilanjutkan. Boleh dijadikan panduan kepada kami yang masih tercari-cari. Catatan begini bagi saya lebih mengesankan
Selamat berblog
Salam tahun baru 2012. Moga tahun mendatang kita sentiasa dibawah keredhaan Allah jua. Amin

Gembo said...

Salaam Pak Mat
Happy New Year... Just last night we celebrated my mom in law's 66th birthday. It's not the celebration or the presents, but the gift of togetherness is what she cherished.
I hope 2012 will be as interesting, of not better for you Tuan Haji.

Anonymous said...

Wishing Pak Mat and family a wonderful and blessed 2012. Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki and sihat selalu.

Ozz said...

Ayahanda PakMat,
Selamat Tahun Baru 2012

Wan Sharif said...

Salam tahun baru sahabat.. May The new year brings you and yours Allah's pleasure and Maghfirah..

Lemparkanlah kekesalan yang bersarang dihati jauh jauh.. Kerana tidak pantas kekesalan meniti fikiran orang orang yang yaqin akan keampunan dan kemaafan dari AlGhafoorurRaheem..

Unknown said...

..thank you, al-manar, pakmat wishing you the same..and mamadou, comparing me with prof kamil's travelogue gave this ole coot a thrill..but no, you are elevating me to too high a platform..happy new year,anyways...gembo, we all will be 66 sometimes, :)..and pkmat way pat..regards to your mil..may she be in the best of health..pun begitu untukmu, cara..abe wan, tq for the nasihat..cheers, all