Tuesday 13 December 2011

..the invitation..

..the haj is the fifth pillar of Islam...and it is the endeavor of every Muslim where ever he is on this little planet to make the journey at least once...once he can afford the journey without any constraints...

...even though for pakmat there were constraints, he had not really tried to get over those constraints with earnest until a few years back...he had used the bankruptcy as an excuse..he slid into complacency and drifted like flotsam in a peaceful sea...without aim or purpose...

..a golden citizen waiting for his bus in Mina..
...instead of  working towards the haj, pakmat has squandered his time and resources on worldly things....
..but the Lord is both Most Compassionate and Most Loving....By His Grace, He gave pakmat extra time, for indeed, at 66 you are living on extra time....

..pakmat made many furry friends whilst in the Holy Land..
..sometimes last year, he found that all roads and alleys led to Mekkah...unbeknown a little flame burning within him became a raging fire...the invitation that came sometimes in the middle of September weakened his knees...thank you, Lord, for this extra time...for, indeed, You gave me longevity that I may repent my sins, and the opportunity of this haj to cleanse my soul....


School Of Tots said...

Alhamdulillah Pak Mat, selamat pergi ke Tanah Suci dan kembali sesuci embun pagi, insyaAllah.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Dear Abe Mat,
That kitty is so pretty. Mama met many when she was there too. Alhamdulillah you came back in one piece and inshaAllah with haji mabrur. purrr....meow!

Kama At-Tarawis said...

a beautiful start, pakmat.. and that picture of you with the oh-so-sweet kitty tugs at the heart-strings..

Tepi Sungai Batu said...

Alhamdulillah, Pak mat dah selamat semuanya......
maaf lama tak baca blog.

Unknown said...

...thank you, sot..but He has His own ways of meriting His servants..insyaAllah...and my dear cat...there are many handsome and cute cats there...we met some at Tanim Mosque..

..and LadyK...He knows I missed Ayam...:)

..salam Pak Man..alhamdullillah..dan sedang merindui Haram dan Nabawi...ada kala terasa macam jasad disini..selainnya masih disana...

jamilah said...

Comel2 sungguh kucing kat Mekah ya Pakmat! Kalau boleh bawak balik sekor dua.... :)

Ozz said...

Salam Sir,

Really miss you and our time in Bachok. Please read my email to you. May Allah Bless you and come back as a winner.