Thursday 4 August 2011 66..

..pakmat..blogging at 66.. 66 you do not anymore hold on to whatever perceived youth that you accept aging for what it is, a natural process..and you remember with a chuckle those futile times of dyeing your hair in an attempt to push back Father Time....and the time you marry for the third time a very much younger wife..hoping that her youth will make you youthful....only to realised that her youth made you older... 66 I am thankful for whatever parts of my body that still work...not at its former premium pace, but still working, nonetheless...and you accept those that have gone...or ceased to work as some things teeth and memory...sometimes you remember with detailed clarity incidents of 20years ago...but cannot seemed to remember where you placed the car keys...or left your wife at the mosque after subuh prayers and drove back alone...forgetting that you went together... 66 you do not care anymore for birthdays..those are stuff for your children and for you...but you measure your years, nonetheless...from one Ramadan to another...for when a Ramadan comes, you remember the last...where you cupped your hands in a prayer...and asked Him forgiveness for your sins and transgressions..and asked of Him longevity...that you will be around for the next Ramadan... 66 you do not have anymore a future..for you are the future..but you have a past...for as far as your memory can takes you...though you do not dwell too much on them, you are always aware of them..accepting those things that is now beyond you and revelling in the things you used to be capable of doing... 66 you are appreciative of those little mercies that He blessed you with...the love of your children...a wife's devotion...a neighbour's generosity...and other little things that once you do not give a hoot..or a care.. 66 a lovers' forever' is but a second... 66 I become a bit cranky...


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Cranky old man? No....not you my precious Abe Mat. You have too much budu in you to be cranky. Age is but a number. purrrr *giggles*

YuinTing said...
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YuinTing said...

Dear Pakmat, I think one of the best things about growing older is to see your children growing wiser... and your grandchildren growing taller... and your family tree growing bigger and stronger...

Life is beautiful. Stay happy! stay healthy!

rizal hashim said...

from one ramadan to another, yes pakmat,

relish the upcoming, cherish the past...

selamat menjalani ibadah puasa...

respectfully yours,


Lili said...


Everyone gets cranky sometimes and they're not even 66!

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. ;)

Unknown said..., I am not cranky around cats, my dear cat..with or without the budu..

dear Yuin is indeed, beautiful, YT..and you take care..cheers..

..ahh, my dear lc..yes, from Ramadan to another..that's how old coot measure time..lets hope I have a few more yet..meantime, you take care..

..salam, too..cranky..hmm..take care, ahteh..

Kama At-Tarawis said...

happy 66 pakmat. remember, in three years time it'll be 69..LOL

Al-Manar said...

Don't you believe you have no future beyond 66. Allah has proved to me that was false and I have lived a very useful life for many years beyond that - and am looking ahead with more future to complete the unending task I have committed to.
Dengan ucapan selamat berpuasa kepada Pakmat daripada Pakcik. Semoga dianugerahi banyak lagi masa hadapan yang bernilai.

little ain said...

Happy Ramadhan Pak Mat.

Hope you're still around the next Ramadhan :)

Fadhil said...

May Allah grant you the health and longevity to reach the next ramadhan and allow us to read more of such lovely posts.

Take care old friend... being cranky comes with the territory :-)

Unknown said...

...salam LadyK..yesss..pakmat at 69..nice age to be..with all its connotations..hehehe..

..salam are right, of course..there is a future no matter what your age that you put it that way, a future even after death..but right now, I try not to see beyond the horizon..selamat berpuasa kembali kepada pakcik..for as long as dreams are not regrets, there will always be a future to look forward to..right on, sir..

..I hope to be, lil ain..I hope to be..hehehe..

Salam venerable friend, thank you for the's wishing to you, too..longevity and prospertity..comes with the territory, huh?..hmm..

Pat said...

Happy 66, Pak Mat! :)

Granny Hani said...

I wonder what it is like to be old n neglected? Something I am so afraid of but if it turns out to like that, who am I to blame..InsyaAllah,neither you or nor me will ever be like that..

Unknown said...

..hi, Pat..I am just being whimsical, Pat..fasting has strange effects on old bear with me..:) meantime, stay healthy..and take care..

Unknown said...

salam hani...Ramadan is not the time to entertain such depressing thots, hani..your family loves, take care..and here's wishing you all the happiness this Ramadan and beyond..

Tommy Yewfigure said...

long way to go for me Pakmat; 20 years ago they say I can retire at 55, then 10 years ago they said 65 & now they moved the goalposts & said I have to wait til I'm 67 to retire. At this rate I don't think I can retire.Kena kerja sampai mati :( BTW hope to see u reach 69 like PK said, I heard it's a good year when u get to see the world upside down :))

harry ghozali said...

forever young man never say 'i give up' until the last breath pak mat.. :)

Red Alfa said...

AlhamdulilLah that you got to 66 and you still having both wit and health aplenty.

Best wishes for yet more years to come with you will happily wondering why!

Abd Rahim Hussin said...

Dear Pak Mat,

A Happy and a blessed Ramadhan AlMubarak. Congrats on reaching 66. Not many men can achieve this. Nowdays, it very rare when meeting old friends without mentioning one or many of the following sign of ageing - diabetes, high blood preasure,cadiovascular problems etc.etc. The fresh air of Pantai Irama does contribute to your good health. Take care and look forward to celebrate your 69 birthday!

jitraman said...

Salam Pak Mat,

You're doing very well indeed, Sir, enjoying life and at the same time sharing your wisdom with many. Thanks for that.

We are entering the 2nd half of maghfirah in Ramadhan.

Here's wishing you the very best.

Salam Ramadhan dan Eidulfitri

Unknown said...

hi, Tommy..I retired at 55 in the year 2000..and wished I was allowed to carry on until I was 67...I was too enegertic then to loll around..if u asked me, 60 is the best age to then you have spent most of your energy and realised some of your dreams..but I do hope to reach 69 soon..its the best age to be..:)

Unknown said...

salam harry, I am always heart..hehehe..and welcome to my blog..take care..

salam Red..we r not yet friends on FB?..sheesh..gonna add you soonest..and here's wishing you just as a joyful
and meaningful Ramadan..cheers..

Unknown said...

salam ARH..oh, I have my share..tinnitus, cataract, and lil bit of hypertension..but all controllable..God willing..but the fresh air of Bachok does contribute..take care, sir..

salam's wishing you the very best, too..take care..

Nasha said...

Salam..stumbled upon ur blog this morning. Kelakar laa..paragraph 2.."left your wife at the mosque after subuh prayers and drove back alone...forgetting that you went together...! My dear cousin left her 5 children at her mom's house few years back right after berbuka, bila reach her apartment nak masuk pintu baru teringat about the children and she was only 35 then!
Selamat Panjang Umur!

jamilah said...

This one brought tears to my eyes...thank you Pakmat! Lovely piece...just lovely...

Unknown said...

..salam jam..and, ow, jam..:) take care..