Monday 25 July 2011

..Ramadan..and some pictures.. Ramadan nighs, pakmat sat back a has been a year since the last..Bachok is gearing up for can see tents coming up on open fields..fasting schedules were distributed at mosques and suraus..and conversations are laced with anticipations..

..pakmat with Rizal Hashim of Loose Conan and Kelvin of MSL
enjoying a meal of nasi kerabu at Yati's..not among the best,the nasi..
just passable...but the memory is priceless.. 

..and pakmat gave his his Lord...for the last Ramadan..
You gave me Blessings unasked..let every drop of rain be testaments to Your Greatness..
..and every cry of infants a reminder that my time is nearing its end...

..Auji with brother Amnan..and their mother..

..Lord, You have granted me the time and space that I may greet welcome another Ramadan..
..give me strength, Lord, that I may strive more..

..Ayam..right royal as usual..confident of her place..

..for I tried my best then..and I fell short..and I will again this Ramadan..
.I seek Your Guidance...
..and I seek your Benevolence...

..Comot and the rest following my evening jogs around the village..

..please forgive me my sins...and accept my repentance..

...going out to see..seeking God's bounty..

...Your Gifts to me are many and boundless..and my thanks to You inadequate and small..

..a morning at Pantai Irama..

..a naked one day pakmat will be.. and a good read..

..a creeper in pakmat's garden..

....and it is as with every Ramadan..pakmat is full of trepidation... regrets of past sins..joys of sahurs...
 satisfaction of breaking of the fast..and fullfillment of solat in congregations...


Wan Sharif said...

As expected you have covered Ramadhan in you exquisite narration.. I am touched to say the least ;). Ballighna Ramadhan..
May this Ramadhan bring us closer to Allah's pleasure

Lili said...

Salam Pakmat,

It's been awhile, ye Pakmat!

I totally agree with Ayoh Wang... and
I can't never get enough of your beautiful write-ups.

Selamat menyambut Ramadan Al-Mubaraq.

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Abe Mat,
It's been a while...where have you been? Ayam is so pretty.... Ramadan Mubarakun ya Pak Mat. har har har *happy laughs*

rizal hashim said...

PakMat thanks for the picture. Why did you not upload it on FB? Thanks for the hearty meal and may we get the chance to break fast together...

and i tend to agree with my fellow commenters...exquisite entry...

June Malik said...

missed you. selamat menyambut ramadhan pak mat.

jitraman said...

Salam Pak Mat,

Selamat menyambut dan menjalani ibadah Ramadhan alMubarak, tuan.
Semoga Ramadhan kita kali ini lebih baik bagi kita dari yang sebelumnya.


nurmisnan said...

assalamualaikum pak mat...
why her name AYAM? kuat mkn ayam kah?

naked tree... everyone including me pun
akan kesinun jugak...
take care pak mat... selamat menyambut
bulan ramadhan yg akan hadir minggu depan....

Pat said...

A lovely read, as usual, Pak Mat. With the added bonus of amazing pictures!

Selamat berpuasa when the day and month comes :)


Ayam is a truly beautiful cat!

Unknown said...

.salam Wan..I am touched, by yr comments..may u bc a meaningful Ramadan..

Unknown said...

..salam, Lili..yes, its been a while..been mini blogging on fb..come join me there..cheers

Unknown said...

..ahh, my dear cat..ayam is too pretty for cat...if she's a gal, the missus would hv driven her off the house..:)..cheers..

Unknown said...

.salam lc..I will..upload on fb..breaking fast together?..maybe I should send you some rempah curry special from bachok first..hehehe..

Unknown said...

..missed u, too, Jun..:), you have a joyous Ramadan...

Unknown said...

.salam, dberkati..

Unknown said...

.salam nur..why not?..humans hv been calling each other worse beruk etc..anyway her late beau was called Itek..:)..take care, nur..

Unknown said...

..hi, Pat..she's too beautiful for a hv a joyous Ramadan,too..

YuinTing said...

Hi Pakmat, it's been awhile before you update your blog recently. Sudah rindu, ha! ha!
Selamat menyambut Ramadan.

Unknown said...

hi, Yuin Ting...yes, its been a while..blogging comes in fits and spurts for ole men and coots like me..and I can see that u r having a fun time yourself with your cheers, YuinTing..take care..

Haslina said...
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Haslina said...

salam pak mat.. have just come across your blog a few days ago.. really love your cats.. reminds me of the time when all 10 cats always followed me around; they were my babies and my sweethearts..

azimal said...

salam ..and selamat menyambut ramadhan

Granny Hani said...

Ayam....I always smile when ever you mention about that cat...funny eh, being named after another kind of animal..Maybe if I were to have another cat, I'll call it 'Itik'.

Red Alfa said...

Salam Pak Mat

The humour of the man who calls his cat "ayam". When I was young I had named my cats after my teachers I had admired and loved.

Wishing you & your family Ramadhan Mubarak!

Ciknoni said...

Salam Pakmat..i didnt believe it when you mentioned in your earlier post that your cats jogged with u...but upon seeing the pictures..i am dumbfounded. Your Ayam is so lawa and your writings...awesome...Salam Ramadhan to you and family...maybe when i balik Kota Bharu, to my inlaws, i can come and visit you...

Unknown said...

salam Haslina..they r my babies and sweethearts, too..and like babies and sweeties that they r, I some.times hurt them, albeit unintentionally..

..and welcome to my blog...ravings of an old coot, actually..

salam azimal, selamat menyambut Ramadan..take care..

salam hani, her beau was named Itek..he drowned after brawl with a neighbours cat..

Unknown said...

..salam REd's wishing you and family a Ramadan Mubarak, too..cheers..

Unknown said...

..salam Ciknoni..hmm married to a Kelantanese, hey?..but of course, u r welcome to Bachok, Pantai Irama, my cats..and my home..just write me a note on FB..meantime, selamat perpuasa..take care..

School Of Tots said...

Salam Pak Mat, selamat beramal soleh di bulan mulia ini.

Anonymous said...

Dear Pakmat,

Wishing you and your family a happy bulan berpuasa.

Thank you

Unknown said...

..salam SOT..pun begitu doa pakmat kepada tuan sekeluarga..

..dear Freddie..thank's wishing u well, too..