..for the first time ever, Kelantan won the Malaysia Cup..we never won it during those heady days when Singapore was a participant, when Kelantan and Terengganu were arch rivals, or when Malaysia ruled the turf with the likes of Mokhtar Dahari and Soh Chin Aun..we never won it when I was that carefree youth shouting myself hoarse as Dali Omar took to the field with aplomb, and my butt burnt from the hot concrete seat of Stadium Sultan Mohamed the IV drenched hot by the afternoon sun as the game started at 4.30 pm..
...we won it when this old geezer had given up of Kelantan ever winning the cup..we won it when I have become an old horse left to roam free in the meadows..with no more spring in his trot, and with just a memory of the fire that burns in every staunch and fervent a supporter's heart that he still is..
.the next day, it rained..the skys darkened with black clouds hiding the sun..the rain came along with howling wind and cold..it is like as if the final that Saturday night was the turning point for the monsoon to start..
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,,the view in front of pakmat's home.. |
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..for mekbu, it is time to nestle her litter of 4.. |
...Trengganu may have the Monsoon Cup..but we have the monsoon and the cup..cheers to the red warriors..
Dear PakMat,
Firstly, many congratulations to the state team and err...what cup sizes are you referring to sir? hehe....enjoy your monsoon.
Abe Mat,
Mekbu tu baru dapat babies lagi ke? Alahai...kesian ke dia. Tapi comelnya those kittens. purrr....meow!
..thank you, ozz..am enjoying the monsoon nestle under the blankets..and tubers for snack..ubi itek, ubi badak..all the ubis being sold by blushing damsels by the roadside..
salam cat..but she seems to enjoy it.. and she is such a good mother..
Isn't it wonderfully to be warm and cozy inside, when it's cold and wet with monsoon rain outside? I love your pix of the new kittens!!!
My cat, Anonymous (because he has no name), turns horny during monsung season.
hi, pat, aren't they lovely..mekbu is some cat..more so being blind..I love her unmitigatedly..
hey..:)..not only the cat, spd..not only the cat...the monsoong has that effect..hehehe..
Love ur last sentence! Very catchy!
..thank you, teacher sally..enjoy the monsoon..:) but take care..
..thank you, teacher sally..enjoy the monsoon..:) but take care..
Salam Bangmat, I much prefer Kelantan monsoon cup, the Trengganu one is notorious...
I remember Dali Omar, at one time Kelantan was trailing 3-0 then he was substituted and Kelantan went on to win 4-3, or something like that. I was being blown by the strong wind up at the end of the rhu barnch then...hmmm..the good old days
salam pak mat
akan ke Kelantan raya haji kedua
tomey sungguh kucing2 itu
take care pak mat n ejoyed ur moosoon
salam gramp..dali omar was in a class of his own then..and the monsoon is really here now..:)
salam nur..in Kelantan?..jemput kerumah pakmat..drop me a note..yes, enjoying the monsoon..under the sheets..:)
pakmat, sounds like cup tu just in time to buat tadoh ujae! ;D
..salam lady..but I will be there, rain or shine...and a pointed no comment on my latest post..hehehe..
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