Sunday 14 November 2010 hunt..

..I gave in to that primordial urge found in every men yesterday..the urge to was more instinct that anything else, this need to stalk with a gun in hand..and trying to outwit your prey..I supposed, in a way, I have always been a hunter..using skills learned as a kid with a catapult..but a gun in hand gave you power..and a sense of control..nothing settles a man more than when he is hunting..maybe I am linking back to the Pleistocene era..when men are hunters..and hunt in order to mate..

..but yesterday it was a good excuse to get out of the take in the fresh out a sweat and bond with the was harvesting time..padi planted from scattering of seeds and harvested with a machine that munched through ripe padi-stalks and shoo-ed the birds away..

..but there was nothing to shoot yesterday..and I went home without firing a single shot..

..but life is like stalked around, gun at ready...and there's nothing to shoot..the next day you are without your gun, they came and wiggle their tails...


Sir Pök Déng said...

Great. I am about to leave a comment on this post. The Word Verification below the comment form reads 'mates'.

What a coincidence!

Oh yes, we men are hunters.

Pak Idrus said...

I never like gun. To me it should only be in the hand of the police or army. It a very dangerous weapon to have at home. If one do not have a gun when provoke, got angry/fight the most it would come to a blow but with a gun one could get killed.

That gun may be for hunting but it could also turn into a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.

Take care.

Grandpa said...

Many people had urged me to get a gun as a security measure since I live in the jungle, and also to shoot monkeys and wild boars which constantly ravage the farm. But I just cannot imagine myself shooting anything, to hurt or to kill.

That's why I resort to the Rottweiler as guard dog.

nurmisnan said...

salam Pak Mat
how come pak mat?
i think all d burung2
balik cuti raya korban kot.. huhuhu

ismi said...

Pleistocene! wow pak mat u always use big words :) like to read ur deep posts :)

Wan Sharif said...

Love the "I gave in to that primordial urge found in every men yesterday.."
I believe men do need to have a hobby.. without which.. men can go bonkers at times.. and Hunting is a good sport..

Unknown said...

SPD..for, indeed, we are..and we have to shoot sometimes..cheers..

..thank you, PIdrus, for the gun is only a tool for my hobby..hunting.. I never thought about it as a weapon.. is how you look at it, gramps..

Unknown said...

..yes, nur, burung-burung bercuti raya..will try again after raya..

..thank you, r too free with your compliments.. is always about sports, Wan..and I believe even the birds deserved a sporting chance..

Zendra-Maria said...

if you don't mind me saying pakmat but the birds could spot you a mile away due to your watch being too shiny and conspicuous... kekeke... sheeez...

Sally said...


..sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted.. :)

Anonymous said...

..mana gambar yang jatuh lubang?..:)


Unknown said...

..oh, zen..its just a cheapo Casio watch redeemed with Bonuslink point collected thro the birds will give it a glance..but the trick is to scare them..and shoot them whilst they r in flight..

yes, teacher sally..but is ok..I have been hunted before..:)