..the canvasses of my life..

..we say that children are like pieces of white cloth...its up to us as parents to ascertain the colours..
true..up to a point..
..but sometimes the canvas took on it own shade and hues.with utter disregard to the colours of their parents choice..consternating, yes...but we learned to adjust the paint..and accept that even pieces of cloth have their own minds..for such as it is with children..we can only prod and nudge..make suggestions..but in the end, much to our chagrin, they make their own choices...

..but what if the canvas is not as perfect as we would like it to be?
..any painter will tell you that the quality of the canvas is just as important as the paint..
..what if it is deformed?..or physically-handicapped..? or mentally-retarded?..how are we going to colour that canvas?

I always try to imagine, and cringed with despair at my failed attempts to set free my imaginations, the hardship and the throes of anguish, parents of such children have to go through, in trying to paint some colours onto their children...and I cannot put a measure on their sacrifices...or their love..the devotion and the patience..and the constraint on their time..
..for I know that if I were to slip into their shoes... I could never take on their load...
...how i wish the world would be wiser...never to deify one only by his degree...but rather who he is in the eyes of Allah for only to Allah should we seek acceptance.
"..what if it is deformed?..or physically-handicapped..? or mentally-retarded?..how are we going to colour that canvas?"
Valid questions PakMat. But deformed or handicapped, they deserve the same quality of paint as the perfect or normal canvasses. In fact, perhaps with more care and love as they're fragile.
My 2cents worth,
The contented cat
Dear Pakmat,
I wouldn't have put it better... When our mind refuse to play safe and be practical too, these are the thoughts, that you've penned down here, that conquers our every emotion. The 'what ifs..' conundrum
sometimes just perplexed us more.
I count my blessings, though... I've painted quite good a picture of my child to be simply normal.
My heart goes out to those who have sacrificed their time and the devotion they gave in bringing-up their 'special' children...
how i wish i can be a beautiful picture on a canvas... :)
..dear hazel..wise words, lady..
..my dear cat..tlc is what they need..tender loving care..and the unquestioned devotion of parents..
..dear lili..for we are lucky..for we are blessed..but who are we to question God's trial..?
..andi..but you are..and exquisite and pretty picture..and I am sure your parents are very proud of you..just do not let them down, thats all..
salam pak mat
i think this is my second comment here.. maybe d 1st comment is missing or not go tru.. what a cute gals. im still remmeber that time i was standard 2 and school at Dato Panglima Adnan PD. We go 2 school by Navy Truck. When im reach there i was crying coz missing my MAK. huhuhuhu... u know what b4 in to class i just seat under d pokok ubi and makan cekodok Mak buat..
Missing my childhood
..nur..pakmat can picture you d bawah pokok ubi sedang makan cekodok..menikmati cekodok yg mak buat..sambil merindui mak..I thik girls learned early that when you missed someone, you eat..:)
..the three gals?..children from my 1st marriage..all grown up now..with children of their own..putting colours and shades on their own children..
pakmat, i think it is quite a struggle to make sure the canvas is coloured the way we want it to be. we give them the freedom to choose the colours of their lives with the hope that they make the right choices. black, white or grey...form the colours of life pakmat.
salam lc..as parents we watched them grow..and with our guidance we watched them formed..and beyond our nudges and prods, we can only pray...freedom with guidance, lc..
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