Friday 1 January 2010

..1.1.2010.. was just like any other did not hit me when I was at my usual walk along the beach..later as I was having my self-prepared breakfast, looking at Pakpong frolicking on the sand with Pakteh and Tupai, our three tom cats, it was still just another was at the office where I part timed that it got to hit me as I typed today's date..1.1.2010..and I froze a little as the enormity of it sank in..

..this old man had always been a 19-hundred man when it comes to dates..being born in the year 1945 or thereabout, as it life has always been about 19-hundred something or other..when 20 hundred came around, it took this old man a few years into it, before I could really feel comfortable about it..

..but now it is the year 2010...a decade past 20 hundred..and I sat there, staring at the monitor and saw all those years before me flitting past, slides of flashbacks..right down to the time of my first day at school, Government English School, Kuala Krai..and it was 1952..and I was uncomfortable in white shorts, shirts, socks and shoes...and I had never worn shoes before..or socks..and I remember hiding my feet when my maternal uncle gave me the once over..

..and I realised that I should be around 65-years old now, or thereabout..and I just read in yesterday's NST that the average lifespan for Afghans is only 43-years..and I am past that by 22 years..

..God has been kind to me by giving me a little bit of longevity..blessed me with several marriages..and many children and, to date, 6 grandchildren..and He has blessed me with gifts more than the stars studding a night sky..if I would but care to count..

..and I could only clasped my hands in inadequate thanks..seeking forgiveness for my transgressions.. to whether I will be around come 2020 is something beyond my ken..but for every second that I still am, for every new morn that I wake up to, for every dawn as for every dusk, for every birth and for every death..I bear witness that there is no other Most Gracious or Most Loving, than You..........


Me said...

happy new year pakmat.. may God bless us.. smile always

Cat-from-Sydney said...

PakMat dear,
As my Mama always tells me, count your blessings and be thankful with what you have. So that life won't be too stressful. Happy New Year 2010!

A contented cat,

Unknown said...

..thank you, anatalia..may God blessed us all..

my dear cat....I know you are one contented cat..all the best for 2010..cheers..

Lee said...

Hi Pakmat, happy new year.
Wishing you the very best of 2010.
Age is just a number, how you feel is what counts, ha ha.
Have a great year, Lee.

yushida03 said...

may the blessing of Allah be with u..
65? my father now 66.. so, there u go..

Unknown said...

uncle lee..eee..yess..let's have a great 2010..God willing..

yus03..tq, her we go..:)..and keep on blogging, yus03..

nurmisnan said...

happy new year pak mat.. semoga pada tahun baru ini tercapai segala impian kita dan perbetulkan apa yang kurang pada diri

Unknown said...

salam Nur..semoga, Nur..diri ini terlalu banyak yang kurang....

Fadhil said...

Salam Pak,

Happy 2010. Stay healthy and enjoy life. If you and I are still around in 10 years time, we can look back to this period and remember the times we become acquainted in blogosphere.

May Allah swt protect us all.

Unknown said...

.. thank you sir, Mr Oldstock..yes, indeed, lets look back into cyberspace and recall those times we were bloggers..leaving pieces of ourselves as we left our mark and prints in our blogs..for old men are sometimes dreamers, too..happy 2010..

rizal hashim said...

One of my objectives for 2010 is to meet pakmat and uncle lee in the flesh. really. that would make my year!

Unknown said...

..of course, pakmat will be happy to meet you, lc..its like meeting celebrity.. for a hello and a goodbye ..for memories are made of chance encounters...

rizal hashim said...

pakmat, from pakmat i can learn a lot about dealing with people, bachok and kelantan bloggers, while uncle lee's marketing skills are second to none! Also pakmat, lc is not a celebrity. he happens to get invited by his friends in the media, hahahah!

Eric said...

Good evening and a happy new year!

I'm actually actively seeking for a client of mine for bloggers (higher weightage on Male bloggers)and I stumbled onto your blog.

Hence I decided to email and see if your kindself will be keen on doing an advertorial for my client.

Do let me know and hope to hear from you soon!

Also, do let me know of your unique visitors/page views per day cos' the rates are very dependent on those stats.

Eric Yong

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