Monday 10 January 2011

..monsoon meanderings...

...a morning in between the rain..when the sky cleared momentarily and revealed its blue..
..a view from pakmat's house..

 ..for these boys, Mozaid and friends from KIST, Kolej Islam, Sains dan Teknologi, Bachok,
time to take out the net for some casting..

..but for Mekbu's litter of four..time for a snooze whilst waiting out the rain..


Wan Sharif said...

A very cute update, nice pictures and all. So how do you spend those rainy day..
Take care..

Sally said...

Oooooo..those kitties they are adorable!!!!!

@rep said...

whoaaa.. so cuteeeee

naba the mutant said...

and with temperature around 25 degrees, sejuknya KB...

nurmisnan said...

salam pak mat.. i love all d kucing2
so sweeeeeettttt...

Sir Pök Déng said...

I don't care about other pictures except the cats'. So adorable!