Wednesday 15 February 2012

..missing someone...

.we never really left the Holy Land, my wife and I....after more than two months from the day of our return, we were still there...sometimes alone together at home, little things trigger off our memory...a touch, a prayer, Zam Zam water...and we were back in MasjidilHaram...the fragrance of a memory that lingers...oft times we wished we were back there...taking that brisk walk to Haram in the early hours before dawn...amid the constant din of cars honking...the crowd of purposeful pilgrims...the smell and the dust...we missed Misfalah...we missed the constant call,' Hajji...Hajji..Hajji...

....most of all we missed the Kaabah....


Anonymous said...

Pak Haji
InsyALLaH one day pak Mat n wife shall b in Makkah again.


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Dear Abe Mat,
Oh yess...even after a couple of years the memory still lingers....sesekali tengok gambar dalam album yang beribu-ribu tu....memang rindu.

Welcome back and congratulations Pak Aji. But you're still my Abe, right? purrrr....meow!

Mieza said...

Assalamualaikum PM,
Can imagine your feeling of missing the Holy Land...even by looking at the pictures brought tears to my eyes.
Praying that I will receive HIS invitation soon.

Unknown said...

..dear friends..thank you, wawa, for your doa..insyaAllah..and cat, pakmat is abe to all the cats..wkmslm, my mind, you r indeed blessed to be in such a beautiful country such as will always be for him who sees the Greatness of the Maker..and you see Him everywhere...take care, all..

Chenon Ishak said...

The feeling is mutual here

nurmisnan said...

Assalamualaikum Haji Pak Mat...
Alhamdulillah semuanya sudah selesai dan
selamat kembali ke Malaysia..

Memang akan rindu selalu kerana Makkah
adalah tempat yang paling tenang dan indah
untuk kita rehatkan diri dan menjalankan
ibadah dengan penuh barakah...

Welcome back Haji Pak Mat.. windu kat kita
jugak tak.. hik3

Anonymous said...

Pak Mat,

Masjid Muhammadi Kota Bharu boleh kembalikan ingatan segar Mekah. Iman akan sebut Istawu...... dan ada bau setanggi, macam masjidiHaram.
