..pic from thestar online..Tun with Najib, left.. |
I woke up on the morning of my 66th birthday to a light drizzle..it was 5.30 am on a Monday morning 14th of March..as I opened my bedroom window to let out Ayam, a strong breeze showered my face with raindrops..Ayam froze but I pushed her gently out..a lil bit of rain would not kill you, go pee and poo...but I sat there for a moment at the window sill..recalling a conversation I had a few days earlier with my cousin's wife, Arfah, who is in her mid fifties and a Datin...
..platinum and gold.. |
..'Mat, I will be in KB from the 13th..by road with two cars...Tun Hajah Rahah will be in KB from the 14th to 16th..by air ETA 11.30 am..a shopping trip for some batek and maybe jewelleries..with her will be a Toh Puan, a Tok Puan and a Puan Sri...please help me with a tentative iterinary with both Pengkalan Kubur and Rantau Panjang thrown in..'
..cultery in Pengkalan Kubur.. |
..I remember letting it all sank it..Tun Hajah Rahah..whom I used to admire as Toh Puan Rahah...the lady of grace and quiet beauty...whom I would be meeting in a few hours time...she must be now more than 70...78 as it turned out...graceful, healthy and strong...and a presence that was very much felt by her regal demeanor...
...and for the next few days, as I watched her banter with her entourage, the sparkle in her eyes, catching glimpses of her humour, I realised that this is what growing old gracefully is all about...her choice of colours is vibrant and youthful..as her choice of designs modern and ageless...
..and pakmat was enthralled..by this woman who was the wife of our late Prime Minister and mother of the present Prime Minister...
nobody can be as lucky as her... was a wife to PM and now, a mother to a PM... God Bless You..
Abe Mat,
And you were the tour guide and photo grapher? Wow! purrr....meow!
wah a good outing .. happy belated birthday pak mat, insyallah minta dipanjangkan umur dan bahagia selalu
Happy Belated Birthday, Pakmat..
What an honour to meet your lady idol on your very birthday ;-)
Too late to send my regards to her, btw? ;-)
Happy birthday, pak mat!
Salam Cik Mat,
Allah selamat kan kamu, Allah selamat kan kamu, Allah selamat kan Cik Mat, Allah selamatkan Cik Mat
Happy belated birthday, Pak Mat! This must be a very unforgettable birthday for you.
teringin rasanya nak tahu apakah rahsia kesihatan Tun Rahah?she is very energetic for someone her age...aging gracefully dih..
..friends, Tun Rahah is one blessed lady..and thank you for all your wishes..
PSB..beautiful...the cake..:)
Mydearcats..and also the keropok lekor provider..:)
JM..bahagia mesti selalu..take care in JB..
SB..hey, welcome back..for a minute there, this old coot missed you..:)
SPD..tq, SPD..you take care, too..
YT..it was..unforgettabloe.
pulutcoco..she's gifted, undoubtedly..think an old coot deserved a phone cover, too?..apart from Cik Bedah?..
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