Wednesday 23 February 2011

..sides to a hexagon..

,,Ziona Chana has 39 wives..94 children..33 grandchildren...and I am sure, he is still  counting....which confirms a lifelong suspicion of mine...that women, on the main, do not mind sharing husbands...but, please, before my lady friends come after me with  lynching ropes and unsheathed claws, please bear with an old man.. is interesting that both the clips are from Kelantan..but Kelantan leads with the highest number of polygamous marriages..and the highest number of divorces....

.Muslim males, by and large, ignore what has been decreed..'..marry two, three, or four..but if you cannot give justice, marry one...' pakmat himself then in his ignorance married two, not once but twice, without taking into account his ability, his strenght, his weaknesses, that he may do it with justice...for marriage is easy...having children easier still...but to do it with justice and to mete out justice with responsibility...ahh...that is another story altogether...for justice is a subjective thing..a husband's understanding of it  is totally different from the first  wife's..and apart from the second wife's...and when tempers flared, as it often does, nobody bothered about how justice is spelt out in the Book....

..whether one or several wives, it would still need efforts from everyone involved in order for it to work..looking back, would it be fair for the first wife to cooperate?..why should she?..when the husband could not even fast to curb his lusts and desires?....

..but there is always the other end of the scale....woman with two husbands...


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Abe Mat,
Somehow you managed to make a serious issue becomes somewhat comical. It's different in the feline world. To prevent polygamy or polyandry, we just neuter them. har har har *evil laughs*

Unknown said...

I'd like to second CiS method of solving the problem.

Muahahaha.... *evil laugh too*

Unknown said... dear cat and versedanggerik..and by now, pakmat is already and eunuch..!..muahahiii..*pitiful laugh*

Wan Sharif said...

Love your way of making serious things.. funny if not hilarious

Tommy Yewfigure said...

On a serious note, I can see where Dr Zakir Naik's coming from, it's all very logical to me....

I like the 'Sweet Memories' guy!!...kekeke

anneaziz said...

Mat Akib, Mat Akib!!!

`Kak Mah tunggu tak balik...'(Orang tu baru kawin...takkan dia nak balik?)

Kata Mat Akib, dia sayang Kak Mah 55%...ada sweet memories"

Kira ok lah tu....