Saturday 23 October 2010

..a time for living..a time for dying..a time to change my cell phone..

..yesterday Ayam, still in Ramadan mode,  woke me up two hours before dawn...she followed me as I staggered to the kitchen for her pre-dawn meal..10 minutes later as I pushed the window to let her out, I saw the silvery moon through the trees low in the western sky..caressed by a light breeze, I sat still for a is not 'thank God its Friday..instead it is 'thank you God, for extending my time on this earth for one more day... I started the car I heard the muezzin's call to prayers..its 5.45 am..a movement caught my was Mekbu..and she had just delivered a litter of 4 kittens..I stroked her and gave her words of the time I reached the mosque the congregation was already well into the first rakaat..but its ok..its a Friday..sujud sejadah..prostration on the prayer mat whilst in solat...and was told by the imam that Ayah Mat, 76, who lived across the river from my house, but just across the road from the mosque, had died of heart failure..solat jenazah, prayers for the decease, was scheduled after solat Asr..

..later, late in the morning, the downcast sky cleared as we headed for Kota Bharu, my wife and is becoming  almost a weekly ritual, this weekly trips..but I need to buy a new trusty Sony Ericsson K801 had finally laid down its tired keys..after two years of faithful service, it gave up on the run.. time to get a new children sighed a sigh of relief...they called it the dinosaur phone..papa's dino phone, not quite realising the implication..I smiled..I got myself a Nokia came with an English lady telling me to take the corners 300 meters ahead, left or right..and Auji is in love with it

..yes, it was an eventful Friday for pakmat..thank you, Lord...


Anonymous said...

Nokia C5? Fuyohhh! Pak Mat very the happening, ay?

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Abe Mat,
It has embedded GPS, eh? Funky you! purrrr.....meow!

Sir Pök Déng said...

When a very optimistic man wakes up in the morning.

Grandpa said...

Walauu, bangmat, way to go!

I'm waiting for my dino nokia to die on me to before changing to...blackberry, I think, so I can blog from anywhere, muahaha...

At first didn't want to spend that kind of $ but somebody reminded me I won't be bringing it with me when I go to where the old man's gone, so

June Malik said...

alaaa. dah tak geng phone, i am loyal user of SE! But yeah, pakmat canggih!

Unknown said...

friends..for once pakmat listened to a woman telling him the directions..hehhe..but it is not much of a phone..among the cheapest..and it suits my needs..anything smarter, then it is the laptop..

Andrea..nothing much, really..

CiS..yes, for the novelty..not that I do much travelling these days..but it might come in useful if one day I cannot find my way home..

SPD..yes, I am.,.optimistic and romantic..:) as you r idealistic..

Grandpa..then you need an Ipad..

JM..what to gave up on me..but my dot and son still on SE..

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Pakmat, what about the 4 kittens? :))

mamadou said...

Assalamualaikum Pak Mat

What NOKIA C5?
Itu memang canggih Pak Mat. Welcome to IT complexity will entraped in it or you will utilised it?

Unknown said...

tommy:..for a blnd tabby, she is the best of mothers..the four kittens are doing fine..thanks.. doing fine?..:) trying to get used to a woman telling me the directions..:)

Nin said...

...don't get too attached to that english lady, pak mat... she might be fat and ugly...