Monday 27 September 2010

..once you are dead..

..once you are dead, you no longer carry your father's name..henceforth you will be known as the child of your mother..pakmat bin aminah..or, as in the case of my neighbour, Mok Zah, 67, who died this morning of renal failure at 5.30 am..Azizah bt Fatimah..a name she will be known as in all doa's... the name that will be engraved on her tombstone, if at all it is engraved..and the name she will be called upon on Resurrection Day by her Maker..

..and at her burial this evening at 6.30 pm, I sat with the rest of the kampong her final respect as a woman who had borne 9 children, with eight surviving her, all of whom did well in life..with the eldest a principal of a secondary school in Bachok and the youngest a teacher in Sabah..

..fare well, Mok Zah binti Fatimah..May you rest in peace..May God forgive your sins..and May He places you in one of His gardens in Eden..


Pp said...

farewell MokZah...May God shower you with blessings at your final resting place...di tempatkan bersama para solihin....

jasamu kpd anak2 menjadi kenangan dan bekalan hendaknya...ameeeen~!

Wan Sharif said...

ini dah bawah tali pinggang ni,,
(to some people la - hit below the belt ha, ha.)
Bless you for reminding us of our resting place.. our destination/abode.. etc.

Anonymous said...

salam pakmat,
dalam kitab-kitab fekah menyebut, hanya sekali sahaja kita akan di"bin/binti"kan dengan nama ibu, yakni tatkala talqin dibacakan. Selain daripada itu semuanya di"bin"kan kepada ayah... demikian juga ada hadis saheh menyebut semuanya akan dipanggil nama dengan ber"bin"kan ayah di Padang Mahsyar kelak... wallahuaklam.

Anonymous said...

duduk ateh kubuq makroh wahaipak mat

Unknown said...

semoga roh mek dicucuri rahmat.. al-fatihah..

Sir Pök Déng said...

Dear Pakmat,

Life has its end. Death is the beginning of everything. It has no end.

I reckon it is a coincidence at the moment that I have stumbled upon many entries posted up on different blogs that speak about death, casualty, demise, and also about the deceased.

I wrote mine too.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


nurmisnan said...

salam Pak Mat
alfatiha untuk beliau..
semoga ditempatkan bersama orang yg bertakwa.. Amin

sot said...

Al-Fatihah buat arwah. Kita semua menuju ke situ. Mungkin esok mungkin lusa..Kematian ialah sebuah permulaan sebuah kehidupan (di alam yg lain). Sama2lah kita menyibuk diri menyediakan segala bekalan yg diperlukan untuk kehidupan itu.

Unknown said...

salam friends..death is, indeed, a start of eternity..and this temporal world a time for tests..

Pak Payne..thank you.., lah..:) just too many deaths in my neighborhood..

FI..thank you


anon..thank you for pointing it out..

damienriced..if you know her as mek..than you r family..:)

SPD..death is a constant reminder, sir..

luahfikiran..terima kasih..

NM..terima kasih..

sot..terima kasih..

ismi said...

i nvr knew abt the bin/binti kan ibu. learn smthing new today. thanks pak mat. but of course the best lesson is that death is drawing closer..the best reminder to buck up on the good deeds :)

Unknown said...

salam ismi..the aim is never to be satisfied with what you know, but to keep on learning until you die..:) take care..