Wednesday 14 April 2010

..grandchildren and gatherings..

..sometimes they gathered at their mother's house, with their husbands and this evening, to celebrate in a laid back way the birthday of one of their fifth daughter, of whom, some years ago caused everyone, including me, a little bit of heartache with her decision to marry her then beau who was a Thai.. two children later they were still married..

..after a tumultuous beginning things are now a bit settled..hopefully their marriage will last..things are looking up for her, it seems..a gleaming new car outside stands as testimony to her prowess in sales with a firm selling the Toyota brand..and he is a cook with an established restaurant somewhere in Kota Bharu, but not too far from her mother's house..where once I called home..

..pakmat with his 6 grandchildren..

..and their 3 mothers..1st, 2nd and 5th daughters..

..inevitably I will be invited, too..and happily I would made the trip from on other occasions, I busied myself with the grandchildren, whilst eyeing the food..the children knows that I enjoyed their mother's cooking..whether its cakes or bread pudding or spaghetti...but we did not really talked much, their mother and I..but I can sensed that the  animosity is gone..a smile that came like the soft evening breeze from Pantai Irama, signalling, perhaps, to what I am..or what I have become..a toothless old man, just coming to terms with himself and his past...


Justiffa said...

Alhamdulillah thats the way it should be bila dah akhir2 ni kan pakmat.. all bitterness, animosity & hate laid to rest bcos after all we're only vessels struggling the best we can thru the route charted for us.

jdbb pakmat. n anak cucu semua tu comey2 belaka :D

Unknown said...

..thank u, justi..:) and I hoped that I still have some journey left..and here's wishing your dot makes it to sri iskander..take care, justi..cheers.. about your teacher in Lipis..didnt know there is a Clifford School, there..thought only in KKangsar, where pakmat spent some years as a student..

June Malik said...

its good that we can make amends kan? life is short so we have to make best of it :) everyone looks happy here too !

Unknown said...

Dear never really turned out the way that we want..but whatever way it did..its the best for us..:) and you take care, JM..

Tisa Fahmy said...

Well, Papa..that is one happy broken united family, I would call. Of course, everyone was there. When I took the photo, I realized that you were quiet but the grey whiskers moved a little...even the small creatures were hopping, jumping across all over you like mad...your eyes were glimmering. I don't know whether of joy or regrets. But still..we are united by only one love, yes, it is. Don't worry about being never out of love...what the heck.

Tommy Yewfigure said...

Awww Pakmat that’s so sweet of your daughter Tisa. I’m happy u had make peace with the family as a whole & grand children, they definitely need a grand pop to look up to. Pakmat may I say u definite had a blessed life, so fulfilled, so colourful despite its up & down but overall a good contented life I would say.

Old General don’t die, only their private, wink2 but I’m sure yours is still alive & kicking and at full attention all the time…hehehe.



P/S – So u r a MCKK boy too, I can see that quality standard in u. How come u r not in politics or flying high at the corporate level? OK lah, I guess u r the type that like to fly under the radar, the unsung behind the scene hero type….kekeke.

YuinTing said...
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YuinTing said...

Dear Pakmat, your cucu are all so adorable! And your daughters are wonderful too!
Tisa is the eldest, right? She must be a cheerful, loving and charismatic lady who acts as the "superglue" to unite the "one happy broken united family". Of course, I'm sure that's because she knows you're a wonderful daddy who cares for everyone at home.

Cat-from-Sydney said... cats in the pictures. No family is complete without cats. I would love to frolick with your grandkids...purrr...meow!

Me said...

saya tak sempat merasa kasih sayang nenek dan datuk saya dari kedua-dua belah ayah dan mak.. but i`m happy when look at the picture.. how lucky they are!.. :`)

oh, saya dah menjejaki NEGERI KELANTAN.. ehehhe... it amazing!.. :`)

Unknown said...

Tisa..what the heck..:)

Tommy, no, not MCKK, I am a Cliffordian, a school across the field next to MCKK..but a school, nonetheless, to lots of luminaries and corporate figure..but I am not one..:) it is not my station in life to fly with the stars whilst touching the moon..reaching just the end of the stalk of grass, as it were..I have to work hard for my money..but life has not been too harsh on me.. that you?, you looked mean, like Van Diesel..almost an anti-hero..hehe..those are killer looks, tommy..sheesh.. r right about the private not dying off yet..but, alas, does not seem to be able to take orders much these days..should be courtmartialled and shot..:)

Unknown said...

..tq, YTC..I always thought my first is some lady..but they all are,I guess..and you take care, lady..just u wait until you r a grandma..:) cats, my dear catisydney..but u are free to frolick with Ayam and Pakpong and Tupai anytime..cheers..

salam were in Kelantan and you did not tell this old coot?..tak baik tu..datang rumah kita tak maklum tuan rumah..lain kali, ok? meantime, take care and be good..jdbb..

rizal hashim said...

PakMat, I would have thought being surrounded by your loved ones especially the boisterous grandchildren of yours would have elicited a grin...hehehe

Unknown said...

....I cant't, teeth..:)

Faisal Admar said...

wow pakmat! you got some pretty kids :)

Unknown said...

..yes, faisal..:) and some pretty wives, too..