..they were at the airport..it was a gathering of sorts..she was with their 2 daughters, sils and grandchildren, he was with his 3 teenage sons..it was 11.00 o'clock on a Tuesday night..they were waiting for the arrival of their 3rd daughter, Ida, husband Tom and their two children, Adam and Sofia..with Sofia their latest granddaughter..all of three months old..and it was Sofia's maiden trip to Malaysia...

..anxious grandma at Arrival Hall..
...she was my third daughter..when she was in Year Six, Primary, and entering her Lower Secondary, her mother and I parted...it was not easy for everyone, especially her..Ida had always been independent..being the third, and left to her devices most times, she had to be...and to top it of, she was accepted into one of Malaysia's premier school for girls...Tun Fatimah Secondary School, Johore...and the general concensus was she was to go..."but I want both papa and mama send me," was her terms...setting out terms at a tender age of twelve..and I said,"ok,"..mama agreed..so, swords and daggers sheathed, we left together for her first day at Tun Fatimah...

..Lina, welcoming committee..
..and later, I was to make frequent trips to Johor Bharu..almost once a month...in my Mazda 626..a 12 hour journey...departing Thursdays and returning Saturdays..journeys made out of guilt and love that was not expressed...

..settling in...
a few years later, I was to repeat that journey with her mama..she had landed a Public Services Department scholarship to do a degree in Business Marketing, Greenwich University, England...only this time the journey was to Subang Airport, Kuala Lumpur..to send her off to London..she graduated soon enough..but she did not returned..

...Tok Chom, giving Sofia a lookover..
she met Tom, instead..and on a fateful day, a call came..."papa, I'm getting married"..to a native of England..to a Thomas Marsh..and will papa please delegate the power to marry her off to an Imam here in London?..and, somehow, I was not stumped..neither was I flabbergasted..matter-of-fact, I have half expected it..only later was I to wonder..will she ever returned?..

..Amnan, with niece, Sofia..
..the wounds had all but healed..but the welts remained..things had more or less petered out..like that soft glow in a setting sun sky..a smile that came like the soft breeze from over a bluing sea..
..there they are, pa...as they caught a glimpse of Tom..
..he could not put into words his feelings upon seeing Adam and Sofia.. grandchildren born of a union between two different galaxies..their future he could but hazard..it is beyond his ken..and way beyond his time..
..in a silent prayer, as he took Sofia in his arms, he gave his thanks to the Almighty..
Pakmat... she's here now and it is all that matters...
I must say, I shed a tear reading this, sensing a father's chagrin. Pardon me if it is otherwise.
Selamat menimang cucu yang terbaru. Let us pray this latest family member of yours will grow up to be a fine individual.
salam ukhuwah...seems like the Almighty has revealed the hikmah..
emmmm... ni yg aku duk gabra ni... bulan 8 ni anak dara aku gi UK.... emmmm
Reading true life episode is a joy, often mixed with sadness. I wonder how I would feel and take it being your shoes. I congratulate you for being able to sketch on paper and share something very personal. For this reason, having stumbled here I cannot resist putting this comment.I will visit you again from time to time, insya Allah. Salaam to you.
alhamdullilahas... as parent just pray d best for them hopefully always happy, respect and respected... congratulation because able grandchild. so cute.. =)
Everything that happens...is for a reason... right Pakmat?
Hazeleyed doakan kebahagian untuk mereka ...and your cute little grand child...Sofia (lovely name)
You have every reason to Smile...so
..make it a sweet one, lady..the smile...
..she's here, yes..for a while..and you shed a tear..pakmat takes it as a doa..tk..
Achu Tra..
..agaknya begitulah..tapi takleh main achu tra goni..:)
..berkat doa ibu dan bapa, semuanya akan selamat..IsshaAllah..
Pachik AlManar..
..tk kerana sudi singgah teratak hamba..sometimes the twist and turns of life's journey is difficult for us to know its true purpose or ending..but we cope..as best as we could..
..thank you NUr..yes, she is cute..enough to warm this oldster's heart..
..pakmat smiling, lady..pakmat is smiling..
One of my cherished hopes for the children is for them to grab whatever the world has to offer,to live the life as an expatriate,to expand their horizon. ...a life that I was unable to experience. To prepare them I'm trying to instill in them not to forget their roots ...their humble beginnings,the boundaries of a Muslim.I know its a lot to ask from them. Reading this entry somehow has keep the dream alive and I feel I'm on the right track.
I just want them to know that whatever they will be doing,whatever problems they might be facing and wherever they will be.. Papa and Mama and the rest of the clan(their uncle, aunties,grandpa and grandma ...) will be there waiting for them with open arms when they come home.
Thanks again Pakmat and you have done well as a parent,notwithstanding the circumstances you were in at that time.
..thank you, aini..where ever and whoever you are..(I wished I know more of you..)
Salam PakMat, ah finally I have the time to peruse a wordsmith's blog...
she's back eh, and I'm sure you are counting your blessings...a product of STF, hmmm. I could imagine my father in law's travels o Johor Bahru for a similar trip...sending his first child to STF all those years ago...in 1985 to be exact!
Anyway PakMat if you happen to be in KL from now to Feb 7, give me a tinkle or email me, I'll bring you to the Dolphins Show, bring along the whole clan!
..in truth pakmat misses you, lc..and so it is nice to see you here..cannot promise anything about the dolphins, but who knows..?:) ..thanks for the offer, lc..and you take care..
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