Thursday 22 October 2009

..a bit marital..

..this geezer had his share of marital spats..being once a polygamist.. maybe more than a normal share of husband and wife quarrels..the wrath of a woman is something to be wary about and gives some credence to the saying that 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'..

..I supposed marriage is about finding common ground whilst appreciating the differences..and men tend to carry more load than they can carry...and women never say what they mean.. a way, spats with the missus give colour and add that much needed spice to marriages..necessary to let out pent up feelings and that later adjustments can be made..often, this coot has been given the silent treatment..and that extra clatter in the kitchen..pretending ignorance does not help..but helpful hints from the children does.. men do not see things like a woman does..and a woman seldom sees things beyond their needs..

..but whatever the cause or causes, everyone has their own way of dealing with it.. whilst an open quarrel in front of the children is a no, no..there are some that chose the privacy of a drive in the family car..which, to me, is also a no, no..for its easy to go out of control..both the car and the quarrel..which could easily ends up with both the marriage and the car in the to do it in an open field...and a mat spread out..for feuds are known to change into a romantic encounter..all it needs is just a kiss and a hug...

sometimes, I wished wives can be more expressive about their feelings..for husbands need reminding, too..and as this coot approaches senility, every reminder helps..


rizal hashim said...

biasalah la pakmat,

give and take...

in my case i'm the one giving her the silent treatment! hahaha

Unknown said...

lc..(editorial consultant nih..) no harm in the silent treatment..but not more than a day..I've heard of couples who have ceased speaking altogether with each other..for months..berdosa tu..

pacoksiku said...

aduhhh pakmat ... kawe baru kena pagi ni silent treatment kaw2 punyo ..

masalahnya ore ppuan ni kalu kito tanyo tidok plok nok royat .. nok suh kito baco body language la apo la ...

penat laye bini sore... hok bbini ramai tu kawe respek la .. kawe hok sore ni pun nanar nok jago .. aduhhh

Unknown said...

pacoksiki..bila bini bagi silent treatment, ada satu cara saja..p & c treatment..peluk dan cium..dan tak payak respect ore bini ramai..macam kawi ni..tak paden nak cekok..:)tapi buat jugok..

Lee said...

Hello PakMat, ha ha, interesting post.
Women are meant to be loved, not understood.
My wife and too have had our fair share of heated debates, but more often I get the silent treatment....
and the food...bland.

Tapi apa nak buat, no road is straight, even the queen of flowers has thorns, and all relationships will have their hiccups.

Love your 'settle it in a field on a mat', ha ha...
Macham wrestling match, "ladieeees and gentlemen, on my left is PakMat weighing....", ha ha, "and the "shakes hands and come out fighting".
Have a nice day, PakMat, Lee.

Fadhil said...

Salam Pakmat,

Aduh... nak buat macamana, orang perempuan ni bukannya reti nak bagitau dengan jelas. Bila muka monyok, kita tanya dia, tambah lagi monyok.

Silent treatment tu kadang-kadang memang perlu.. it gives ME the chance to cool down.

Unknown said...

Uncle Lee..yes..we can come out fighting..but please, do not throw breakables..nanti pecah..kena ganti tu..bila dah sejuk dan loving semula..if you must throw something, plastic bottles..pillows.. road forever rose without marriage without quarrels.. keep well, lee..

Oldstock..a husband cooling down teramat penting..tapi jangan lama-lama..:)

Anonymous said...

Just got to know abt your blog and enjoing your postings

Real vintage
Oh yaa and the old songs

Unknown said...

peluk... peluk... jgn tak peluk....

errr... ni citer 'life begin 40'... hehehe

Unknown said...

anon..thank u for dropping in..the blog is vintage, as the blogger is my friends used to jest..past expiry date...:)

sifu..aiyah..sifu..u always straight to tasarget..:)