..yes, it was a joyous raya..my children came, along with my grandchildren..nieces and nephews..brothers and sisters-in-law.. and neighbours..
.it was riotous, with the children milling and running, crying and shouting..fighting over raya money...
..there was also a little drama... played out in front of all the children and adults alike, when my second and my sixth daughters, mothers of two children each, kissed and hugged, and cried and patched up, over their almost two month quarrel... over something trivial and forgotten but the hurt remembered..
..yes, for this old man the magic of raya was still there...even at 64..it was, after all, a time to forgive..and for this oldster, seeing my 4 adult daughters and a son from a previous marriage, mingling freely with their other 4 brothers and sister, children from a second marriage, and calling affectionately their stepmother Cik Ani, the joy of raya was complete..
..Praises be to Allah..life has a way of not turning out the way we wanted..but whatever way it turned out, that was what Allah had meant it to be..
hok baju hijau tudung biru tu anak ke menantu pak mat.... tak kenal tapi beraso rajin kelih... gitu jahh
raya lum habis lagi.... jalan terus... :)
..sifu..adik ipar..janda anak dua..:)..gitu-lah..
..benar..raya belum habis..situa ini mesti jalan terus...
Yes the magic of raya...I hope the recent Eid Mubarak gave you the satisfaction you crave and the opportunity to touch base with people who matter, the family. To Pak Mat whom I have the highest respect for, salam lebaran, maaf zahir dan batin...batin dalaman, zahir yang nampak heheh
Mighty God ...
As an old timer ... A good family gathering is one of the best present . . .
Here we are as human ... to be human being ... InsyaAllah ...
..aw, lc, (a big toothless grin here) you got my drift..about the batin thing..
razifembi, yesss...a good family gathering..may both of you,(you and lc)lived long and have cucu's and cicit's and have many such gatherings with your kins and kids..
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