Thursday 20 August 2009

..a cat story.. cats mourn their dead?.. I've heard of elephants..but cats..? I don't think they are capable of such profound feelings..being mainly selfish creatures, cats just love to curl up on laps whilst purring contently away to gentle strokes and rubs..

..until one day this old coot was proven otherwise..cats do mourn their dead..our favorite tabby, Ayam does..she just showed it to me this morning..and it leaves this sentimental old geezer in tears... is common knowledge that Ayam had a thing going with Bobi, our neighbour's handsome tom..they were often seen frolicking in some corner of the garden..being just cats, their pairing does not raise an eyebrow..our neighbours joked about it..that their tom is spending more of his time in our compound then theirs..cats in love, I said, to everyone's amusement..

..a week ago, Bobi died.. from mysterious causes.. tongue jutting out and surrounded by faeces and urine..the owner, a lady principal at one of the town's secondary school, and her 16-year old daughter were gutted...they had him buried on a vacant lot next to their house..her daughter marked the grave with a leftover piece of floor tile..

..a few days later we noticed that Ayam is acting a bit strange..on being let out of the house in the wee hours of the morning as I opened the door for morning prayers, Ayam did not return for breakfast as she normally does..ditto for lunch..she went missing during the day..returning only in the evenings as I leave the house for Magrib prayers..

..she is always seen around our house, said the neighbours..she is missing Bobi, they jest..and we all laughed...

..until this morning, when I let her out of the house.. I decided to tail her..see where she goes.. she walked softly through the small back gate..stopping every now and then..looked around..saw me following and meowed softly at me..she knows where she is going..and so I followed her with my eye, as she crossed the road and stop ontop of where they had Bobi buried..she paused for a while..rubbed her head at the marker tile..and sat on the grave..

..she was lost in quiet reverie as this coot was lost in unfathomable neighbour called out from her bedroom window..and this old coot cried.. I left her there to send my children to school, I could feel the tears running down my cheeks..

..she was no longer there when I came back..a quick search found her on a ledge of my neighbour's home..I hugged her as I carried her home..this cat mourns her dead..and this coot cried for her..


Kaira said...

Touching story and so so sad!!!! I am crying for Ayam and Bobi too. I think Ayam needs a new friend, fast. Or she'll go loco! Hugs & kisses to that lovely Ayam, and yes--i do know that cats mourned too when their beloved passed away.

hazari. said...
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hazari. said...

bobi died for some reasons ? i nvr knew that ayam will act in that kind of way. hm.

Unknown said...

Khaira..yes, Ayam needs a new friend..and I am at lost finding her a new tom as handsome as Bobi..

Hazari..keep working on it, your English is improving by the shortcuts, and practice..

faiz said...

salam singgah pak mat and thanks for visiting my blog..

this cat story is very touching indeed..even cat has feeling, kan..?

Abam Kie said...

Thanks for ur comment, Pak Mat. My own father is 68 and u r 64. It's hard to find veteran Kelantan bloggers who can write flawlessly in English nowadays. Except u n Pak Zawi. Bravo! Oppss...that belly is definitely not mine. Mine is also expanding but not as horrifying as that one. How about exchanging links in the blog list? Kindly type my RSS URL i.e. ' I have typed yours. Thanks a lot and Selamat Berpuasa.

Unknown said...

Faiz...welcome to an old man's domain..antique pieces, lady..:)

Juk..your dad's 68..? belum tua tu..and I am following you now..and take care of that expanding thing..

Kaira said...

Wah---memilih pulok Pak Mat ni nak menantu ensem. I'm just about to recommend a tomcat for Ayam..ah well....maybe i should give you the photo of that bloke first--macam audition pulok---ada2 saja Pak Mat ni tau..LOL!!!!!!

Unknown said...

..thanks, Khaira..bukan saya yg beragam..Ayam..she is still pining for her dead tom..sukar utk dipercayai..tapi neighbour still caught her around where they had Bobi buried..anyway, paste pic on my wall..i'll hv it printed and show it to her..heh..heh..