Sunday 5 July 2009

..just thinking..

..I have been thinking a lot lately...when you reached my age, you tend to think a lot, I supposed..seeing that pursuits are more of the cerebral kind than of any other kind...not that the libido is totally down...God has blessed with a relatively good health...oh..a lil bit of tinnitus, some whining in the ears, but bearable and only when in a passive mode..a lil case of reducible hernia..other than that everything else is as it should be..a bit worn but functioning..the spring is gone, but the steps are steady...

...what set me thinking was a comment by a facebook friend on the state of football in the country..he said it is atributable to the general decay of society as a I mulled over his comment, I realised that he has it spot on..ours is a degenerative society...I mean, look around the papers..the state of our politics..the name-calling..religious decrees are issued at a drop of a hat..people are more divided than ever thanks to the politicians, whose political interest overides all...the state of our social morals..old geezer died whilst with a transvestite...infants borned in toilets and drowned in pails...pornograhic clips in every kids handphones..rempit...the list is endless..and they are all symptoms of a decaying society..

..the rot has started at the hands, feet and mouths..we have to stem we incur the wrath of Him up there...and He might just punished us for it..looking at the state of things, maybe He has, already...

1 comment:

rizal hashim said...

Yes Afah, and football becomes the easiest target of the manifestation of our frustration! Trouble is how do we stem this decline?