Thursday 2 February 2012 open letter to thirteen..

..reading lc's blog must have got to is fond of writing open letters in his blog, which you can access here...but his concerns will always be about sports, being the conscientious sports critic that he is... and I just have to response to anonymous', thirteen,  comment, being the conscientious blogger that I here goes..

..salam thirteen...I think, to get a single person who is without sin to throw the first stone is nigh impossible...for we  are all sinners, one way or the other..and God, in His Greatness, knows all the weaknesses of Man, His creation, in that we will sinned.....and He created Purgatory, to my mind, not for sinners...but for those who committed sins knowingly or unknowingly but do not repent...

..pakmat looked at the Haj as an opportunity for us who sinned, to repent and be close to, thirteen, make the trip...regret, they say, is the first step towards repentance...dwell upon your regrets...wake up the last quarter of the night and do the night solats...think well of Him...insyaAllah...for He is the Most Compassionate and the Most Loving...


Chenon Ishak said...

Salam Pakmat ...don't know which particular article you referring to ...

Anonymous said...

Salam Pak Mat,

Thank you for the thoughtful writing. Its beautiful and I cried (again). Probably I thought too much about it, last night I dreamed visiting Mecca with my mom. Even though it was only a dream but I felt so relieved and hoping that it will become reality one day Insyaallah, for He is the Most Compassionate and the Most Loving.

Thank you again, Pak Mat.
