Monday, 25 July 2011

..Ramadan..and some pictures.. Ramadan nighs, pakmat sat back a has been a year since the last..Bachok is gearing up for can see tents coming up on open fields..fasting schedules were distributed at mosques and suraus..and conversations are laced with anticipations..

..pakmat with Rizal Hashim of Loose Conan and Kelvin of MSL
enjoying a meal of nasi kerabu at Yati's..not among the best,the nasi..
just passable...but the memory is priceless.. 

..and pakmat gave his his Lord...for the last Ramadan..
You gave me Blessings unasked..let every drop of rain be testaments to Your Greatness..
..and every cry of infants a reminder that my time is nearing its end...

..Auji with brother Amnan..and their mother..

..Lord, You have granted me the time and space that I may greet welcome another Ramadan..
..give me strength, Lord, that I may strive more..

..Ayam..right royal as usual..confident of her place..

..for I tried my best then..and I fell short..and I will again this Ramadan..
.I seek Your Guidance...
..and I seek your Benevolence...

..Comot and the rest following my evening jogs around the village..

..please forgive me my sins...and accept my repentance..

...going out to see..seeking God's bounty..

...Your Gifts to me are many and boundless..and my thanks to You inadequate and small..

..a morning at Pantai Irama..

..a naked one day pakmat will be.. and a good read..

..a creeper in pakmat's garden..

....and it is as with every Ramadan..pakmat is full of trepidation... regrets of past sins..joys of sahurs...
 satisfaction of breaking of the fast..and fullfillment of solat in congregations...